Wednesday, January 02, 2013

LUSH Haul!

So, today I returned to my LUSH store with some of my Christmas money, and decided to stock up on some of their soap. Since their "For Fresh Sakes" sale is still going on, I was able to get half of my soap for free! :) While I was there, I also stocked up on bubble bars, and a couple LUSH cult favourites.

I will be doing a complete review on each of these products as I try them out.

A complete video haul can be found here

MMM Melting Marshmallow Moment
North Pole
$6.95 for 100g
Demon in the Dark
$7.95 for 100g
The Godmother
$6.40 for 100g
Angel's Delight
$5.95 for 100g
A complete review here
French Kiss
Rose Jam
Sunny Side


  1. Hey can you make a youtube vid of this? It would be awesome, thx :))

    1. I did :)
      There's a link right above the pictures
